Improve Lymphatic Drainage and Get Glowing Skin with Dry Brushing

By Staff of Forum Health Vienna

Brushing is a part of your daily routine. You brush your hair, you brush your teeth, you brush your body. Wait, what?


Dry brushing is a process that involves brushing your skin with a natural brush to remove toxins from your body. It may sound odd, but if it’s not a part of your routine, you may benefit from adding it in. But, what exactly is dry brushing, what does it do, how do you do it and does the brush you use matter? We have answers to some of your most frequently asked dry brushing questions.

What exactly is dry brushing?

Dry brushing is actually a process that’s been around for an incredibly long time. When you dry brush, you’re stimulating your lymphatic system, which is responsible for draining the toxins from your body. Dry brushing is exactly as it sounds — running a dry brush over your skin.

What does dry brushing do?

Besides stimulate your lymphatic system, dry brushing has been said to reduce the appearance of cellulite, exfoliate dead skin and unclog pores. Dry brushing also gives a natural energy boost so a morning dry brushing session may help to get you prepared and invigorated for the day ahead.

How do you dry brush?

Dry brushing is easy. Here’s how it’s done:


  1. Without using too much pressure, start at your feet and work your way up.
  2. Always brush toward the center of your body. The lymphatic system drains in your chest so brushing in this direction will help the entire process.
  3. Either use firm, small strokes upwards, or brush in an upward, circular motion.
  4. Brush your stomach in a counterclockwise motion for best results.
  5. Go over each area of your skin several times. There should be some major overlap.


Although it’s called dry brushing, you can use a little bit of body oil on your brush, which will transfer nicely to your skin and help exfoliate.

Does the brush you use matter?

It can. There are a number of dry brushes on the market so first, trying holding onto different kinds. You may like handheld dry brushes, or you may prefer dry brushes with a handle so it’s easier to reach your back. The bristles of your brush should be firm, but shouldn’t be too stiff or require a lot of pressure to brush effectively.


If you brush once or twice a day, you’ll likely experience the benefits. It’ll become a healthy habit that is easily incorporated into your routine and becomes just as “normal” as brushing the other parts of your body.

