Why Women Over 65 Should NOT Stop Hormone Therapy


At a Glance:  

  • Dr. Connie Casebolt’s video highlights key points and provides insight on study results.  
  • Discover the 4 key areas of reduced health risk related to women over 65 staying on hormone therapy. 
  • New evidence challenges years-old Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) trial shortcomings.  

New 13-year study results show reduced risk of developing disease in four key areas for postmenopausal women, challenging years of conventional medical advice.

Finally, a new study that gets hormone therapy right! After years of debate and misleading information regarding the safety and efficacy of hormone therapy, what many of our providers have known – has now been proven.  


Women over 65 who stay on hormone therapy live longer and with better quality of life than their counterparts who don’t.  


Many conventional medicine providers, informed by studies like the WHI which instilled fear based on incomplete information, have been urging women for years to get off hormone therapy as soon as possible or avoid it all together. However, that goes against what many functional and integrative medicine providers have seen first-hand in their patients. Specifically, post-menopausal women who continue to thrive and experience less health complications while on hormone therapy.  

Four Key Benefits of Long-Term Hormone Therapy Use in Women Over 65

The study, “Use of menopausal hormone therapy beyond age 65 years and its effects on women’s health outcomes by types, routes, and doses,” aimed to determine the health implications of estrogen/progesterone therapy and reported remarkable benefits. 


Hear from Dr. Connie Casebolt on the results of this study and takeaways shining hope for women’s health – at every stage.  

Expanding on Dr. Casebolt’s interpretation of the study, the implications for women’s health based on the results are encouraging. She highlights five areas of significance that demonstrate how hormone therapy benefits women when used long-term.  


1. Increased Longevity

One of the most striking findings of the study is that women on hormone therapy beyond the age of 65 experienced a 19% reduction in all-cause mortality. This suggests that HT not only improves quality of life but also extends life expectancy, offering hope for healthier, longer lives for women. 


2. Reduced Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among post-menopausal women. The study found that women on HT had a decreased risk of heart disease, highlighting the protective effects of hormone therapy on cardiovascular health. This is a significant finding that could have a profound impact on the prevention and management of heart disease in older women. 


3. Lowered Cancer Risk

Contrary to previous beliefs, the study revealed that HT was associated with a reduced risk of several types of cancer, including breast, uterine, ovarian, lung, and colorectal cancer. This challenges the misconception that hormone therapy increases cancer risk and underscores the importance of reevaluating conventional medicine’s understanding of the role of hormones in cancer development. 


4. Decreased Risk of Dementia

Rates of dementia were also found to be lower in women who were on hormone therapy, highlighting the potential neuroprotective effects of HT. This is a significant finding given the increasing prevalence of dementia and the need for effective prevention strategies. 

Long-Term Hormone Therapy with Forum Health

The study also showed that women who stayed on hormone replacement therapy long term experienced better health outcomes overall. Highlighting that hormone therapy benefits extend beyond symptom management and can contribute to overall health and well-being in older women.  


Another key takeaway from the study was the dosing and administration routes of the hormone therapy.  


The study conclusion states: 

In general, risk reductions appear to be greater with low rather than medium or high doses, vaginal or transdermal rather than oral preparations, and with E2 rather than conjugated estrogen.

This is significant as nuanced dosing and administration route options may not be available with your conventional medical provider.  


By working with a Forum Health functional and integrative medicine provider, you can ensure that your hormone therapy is not the “one-size-fits-all” approach. Our providers work with you to understand your complete health history, symptoms you’ve experienced in perimenopause and menopause, and any lifestyle factors to determine the best hormone therapy option for you.  

Learn more about long-term use of hormone therapy  

Schedule a 15-minute discover call with a health advisor today.

