Forum Health Honored as the Top Hormone Therapy Provider and Leader in Menopause Care


We are excited to announce Healthcare Business Review has selected Forum Health as the leading hormone provider for 2023! 


This distinct honor establishes Forum Health as a leader in personalized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) programs for women in menopause and men in andropause. 


Read the announcement here. 


After years of treating women going through one of the most significant life transitions, Forum Health providers have found that menopause is also one of the most underserved. This is why we’re proud to truly understand our patients’ needs and offer a personalized hormone therapy program to help women live a full and healthy life, no matter what stage of menopause they’re in.  


Watch this special message from Forum Health provider and hormone expert, Tara Scott, MD, FACOG, FAAFM, NCMP. 

How is Forum Health’s approach to hormone health and menopause different? 


To start, we’re not a one-size-fits-all clinic. We work to understand the root-cause of hormonal imbalances by exploring your health history, genetics, lifestyle, environment and goals. Our customized program includes: 


  • Focus on hormone metabolism, thyroid balance, and detoxification 
  • Advanced diagnostic testing to provide precision dosing of hormones 
  • A safe and more efficacious solution compared to synthetic hormones 
  • A variety of hormone delivery options – pellets, patches, creams and oral  
  • Nutraceutical and nutrition recommendations 


Want to learn more?  Schedule an appointment with one of our expert hormone providers today.

