Natural Tips and Treatments for Seasonal Allergies

Stop suffering from seasonal allergies! Manage symptoms with these top tips and discover new functional-medicine treatment options.

As temperatures rise, so do the amount of potential allergens in the air. Depending on where you are in the country, suffering from seasonal allergies may be taking a serious toll on your health. But managing your allergy symptoms and uncovering the root-cause of your allergies for long-term relief is possible!

Why do you get allergies?

Allergies can affect everyone, regardless of age, and are one of the most common chronic health conditions. An allergy is the body’s immune-system response to a non-harmful foreign substance, like pollen from trees, grass, and plants. These foreign substances are called allergens.


In response, the body releases histamines, a chemical found in mast cells, as a way to get rid of the allergens that have entered your body. This release of histamines is what causes the common and irritating allergy symptoms. However, it also creates inflammation signaling your immune system to clear and repair the affected area.

Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

  • Runny Nose
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Itchy, Watery Eyes
  • Coughing
  • Scratchy Throat
  • Post-Nasal Drip
  • Sneezing
  • Tiredness and Fatigue
  • Headache

Managing and eliminating allergy symptoms is important to avoid more serious, breathing-related complications like respiratory infections, sinus problems, asthma, and more. 

Natural Tips to Relieve Seasonal Allergies

Reducing or eliminating your exposure to seasonal allergens is a key to managing your symptoms. Take control of your allergy symptoms this season with these natural tips.


  • Indoor Air Filters: Make sure to use high-quality filters in your home AC and change them regularly, this traps any allergens in the air and keeps good air quality in your home. Adding an air purifier to your room at night ensures better quality sleep and is especially beneficial if you have asthma. Wiping down surfaces to avoid dust build up, changing blankets, and vacuuming if you have pets are also helpful ways to keep good air quality in your home.


  • Outdoor Air Quality: We all love a fresh breeze, however, it’s important that you check the air quality before opening doors and windows or going outside. There are many apps available from your phone that make it easy to check air quality in your specific location. If the air quality is bad, keep windows and doors shut, use your AC to filter the air, and avoid going outdoors or wear a mask to avoid breathing in allergens.


  • Wash Up: As you go about your day, you come into contact with allergens through breathing and they get stuck on your hair, skin, and clothes. To reduce your risk of developing allergy symptoms, take a shower, wash your face, and change your clothes when you arrive home after being out, and definitely before getting into bed. This will wash the allergens you’ve come into contact with throughout the day right down the drain!


  • Avoid High-Histamine Foods: Certain foods are naturally high in histamines. While these foods may not trigger an allergic reaction for you typically, it may be helpful to not consume them during allergy season to avoid a histamine overload in your body. Alcohol, fermented foods, spinach, processed and smoked meats, and aged cheese are some high-histamine foods. Add a seasonal support supplement to your diet to help your body prepare for the change of season allergens, before your allergy symptoms start!


  • Consider Over-the-Counter Medications: Antihistamine medications are available over the counter and can offer relief of your symptoms. However, not all medications are the same and come with some risk. Always consult with your doctor before taking any medication for an extended period of time.

Functional Approach to Eliminate Allergy Symptoms

Functional medicine focuses on finding the root-cause of symptoms to treat and eliminate them at the source. This approach to healthcare and well-being ensures that what is actually causing you to feel ill gets treated, not just masking symptoms and letting a potential problem fester.

At Forum Health we offer a variety of complementary and functional treatments to help you recover from seasonal allergies and investigate further to determine if there is a root-cause issue that needs to be addressed.

  • IV Therapy for Allergies: IV therapy offers a range of benefits as nutrients enter directly into the bloodstream for immediate absorption. In under 30 minutes you’ll feel hydrated, energized, and clear of the drowsy brain fog. When dealing with allergies, ask for either the Myers Cocktail, Immune Cocktail or Glutathione IV.
  • A.R.T Allergy Relief Therapy:  ART is based on N.A.E.T or Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique, that combines a variety of therapies including Oriental Medicine, allopathic medicine, chiropractic, and applied kinesiology to eliminate allergies without the use of drugs and is noninvasive. *Currently only available at the Forum Health Valparaiso location.
  • Environmental Medicine: A quick histamine response to seasonal allergies can be a sign of an overburdened immune system and toxin overload. Toxins in the air, water, household products, and food burden the immune system and cause symptoms very similar to that of allergies. Learn if there’s more to your seasonal allergies by talking to your Forum Health provider about Environmental Illness.
  • LDI Low-Dose Immunotherapy: When your allergy symptoms persist maybe it’s time to look a little deeper. Ongoing inflammation in the body could be a sign of an underlying condition. LDI is an effective option for immune-system dysregulation, learn if it’s right for you.

*Not all treatments are available at all Forum Health locations, visit the individual clinic’s website for full treatment options available near you.

For more information on how to manage allergies and treatment options, contact a Forum Health provider near you.

