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Allergy Treatments: Relief from Pollen, Dust, and Mold

By Dr. Bill Epperly of Forum Health Bloomingdale


Itchy, watery eyes? Constant sneezing? Congestion and post-nasal drip? You may be allergic to pollen, dust, and/or mold – and we have some easy solutions to help you find relief.

In this short video, Dr. Bill Epperly of Advanced Integrative Healthcare in Bloomingdale, IL, shares the most effective treatments to fight allergies.

YouTube video


Top 3 effective allergy treatments:  

  1. Conventional weekly allergy shot – This treatment starts with a low dose allergy shot administered in-office every week. The dosage progressively increases each week and efficacy lasts between 6 – 12 months.
  2. Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) – SLIT therapy uses drops placed under the tongue, and like the weekly allergy shot, it starts with a low dose and works up to a therapeutic dose. The drops can be more convenient for many patients and are as equally effective as the shot.
  3. Provocation Neutralization (PN) – PN also known as “just the right dose” is used for various allergies as well as food sensitives, and can “turn off” symptoms very quickly for fast relief.
  4. Supplements: – We also have had great success with this great product by Inwell Bioscience, Seasonal ALL Clear.


Before starting any treatment, it’s important to first have an allergy skin test conducted to identify allergens and find the best treatment.

Ready to find relief for your allergies? Contact us today at 855-976-5578!

