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Food and Gut Health – How Your Nutrition Affects Your Gut Microbiome

Reviewed by Dianne Hinton, NP, PA of Forum Health Modesto Did you know that you’re sharing your body with many different microorganisms, among which you’ll find bacteria of all sorts? Most of them are located in your digestive tract, they make up your gut microbiome, and their primary roles are to help your body absorb the […]

Can Brown Rice Help with Disease Prevention and Weight Loss?

Reviewed by Kimberly Cabe, FNP-BC of Forum Health Rochester Hills In many cultures all over the world, rice is a dietary staple. Unfortunately, Americans tend to favor white rice, which is the least healthy variety of this inexpensive food. White rice has been milled and polished to produce familiar white kernels. During this process, the […]

Think Ahead: Tips for Setting Your Weight Loss Goals


Reviewed by Kimberly Cabe, FNP-BC of Forum Health Rochester Hills Without the right planning in place, you might feel a bit like a hamster in a wheel when you think about reaching your goals. You know you want to lose weight so you eat right and attempt to exercise as often as you can, but somehow you always […]