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Can the DSIP Peptide Really Help You Sleep?

Desperate for better sleep? The Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide is a natural option to improve sleep and offers numerous health benefits! Finally, an option for better sleep that works WITH your body!   Maybe you’ve tried over-the-counter supplements for poor sleep, sleep aids, or sleeping medications but you still wake up throughout the night, wake up […]

Not Sleeping Well? Discover the Neurotransmitters that Control Your Sleep

Did you know that sleep is regulated by chemical messengers in the brain? When out of balance, these neurotransmitters could be to blame for your sleepless nights. There’s nothing like a good night’s rest to help you feel refreshed, rested and ready to take on your day. However, sleep is more than just rest, it’s […]

Physical, Mental and Immune Benefits of Getting Good Sleep


Reviewed by Leigh Ann Scott, MD of Forum Health Las Colinas The Benefits of good sleep are many and usually include improvements in: Memory and Creativity Physical fitness Immune System Vitality- better tissue repair and good hair, skin, and nails Stress management Emotional stability Risk reduction of hypertension, stroke, heart attack, and death Metabolism and […]

Studies Prove How Inadequate Sleep is Hurting Your Health

Reviewed by Leigh Ann Scott, MD of Forum Health Las Colinas   Getting enough sleep is essential for your health and overall quality of life. But what happens if you come up short on your sleep? And what if that inadequate sleep starts becoming the norm or is prolonged? Lack of Sleep Increases: Fatigue Insomnia […]

5 Effective Ways to Manage and Eliminate Adrenal Fatigue


Reviewed by Dianne Hinton, NP, PA of Forum Health Modesto Stress is a normal, expected part of the human experience, but it seems that we have grown accustomed to more stress than our bodies can manage. We expect stress at home, at work, not to mention on a global scale during a crisis such as […]

Lifestyle Recommendations for Chronic Fatigue

Reviewed by Dianne Hinton, NP, PA of Forum Health Modesto Feeling tired is healthy and normal, especially when you have a demanding job, if you exercise regularly, not to mention that daily stress can make us all crave for a good seaside vacation. But chronic fatigue is an entirely different beast to tackle: it can be so […]

Four Natural Ways to Fight Fatigue

Getting through a long day at work and balancing your household duties is hard for anyone, but is particularly difficult for those dealing with chronic fatigue. If you continue to find yourself weak, tired and irritated, then it might be time for you to find natural ways to perk yourself up. Caffeine only lasts for so […]


By Staff of Forum Health Akron Melatonin is a hormone produced by your pineal gland and is most commonly associated with sleep. It actually causes drowsiness and lowers your body temperature when it is time to go to bed. It gradually rises during the night with a peak at 2:00-3:00am. B vitamins are essential building […]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Role of Thyroid Hormones


Reviewed by Kimberly Glow, MD, MPH of Forum Health Knoxville According to the CDC, between 836,000 and 2.5 million people live with chronic fatigue syndrome, yet many do not receive an official diagnosis or adequate treatment due to the ill-defined nature of the condition. Characterized by extreme fatigue, impaired functioning, and sleep disturbances which are […]

Overcoming the Top Causes of Sleepiness and Fatigue

Reviewed by Kimberly Cabe, FNP-BC of Forum Health Rochester Hills Not getting enough sleep is just the start of why you may always be tired, here’s what you can do. Like many people, you may find yourself struggling with feeling run down or not having enough energy to enjoy life. Always feeling fatigued can be a sign of […]

Four Tips to Sleep Better During Menopause


Reviewed by Kimberly Cabe, FNP-BC of Forum Health Rochester Hills Getting a good night’s rest is important to your health, but the changes of menopause can make it easier said than done. Hot flashes and night sweats often keep menopausal women up all night, leading many to seek relief with hormone replacement therapy. Sleeplessness is one of the most […]

7 Health Risks of Sleep Deprivation

Reviewed by Kimberly Cabe, FNP-BC of Forum Health Clarkston There are mixed reports on how much sleep the adult body really needs in order to work at optimal levels. Some say at least six hours can get the adult body through the day, doing all that it should be doing. Others report that magic number […]