About Sleep Disorders
Quality sleep is the basis of optimal health and lack of quality sleep is at the root of many common health issues. There are approximately 80 different types of sleep disorders. The top ones are: insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome and narcolepsy. These disorders can lead to other medical problems and some can even be symptoms for underlying mental health issues.
Our American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Certified provider goes beyond sleep studies to get to the root of your sleep-related issues.
Sleep disorders are not only physiological in nature, but are increasingly fueled by our society. Sleep deprivation, long work hours, over-commitment in our personal and professional lives, over-eating, screen time, fast food, lack of routine exercise, cell phones, and use of caffeinated coffee and energy drinks to compensate for our persistent fatigue and sleeplessness all play a role. Once root causes are determined, we’ll work together to create a plan of action. We want to help you sleep better and improve your quality of life.
Contact us to learn more or schedule a consultation today!