Andropause? More like MANopause


Hold on men—women aren’t the only ones who experience the ups and downs of menopause, men do too. It’s not actually called MANopause, but it might as well be. The actual term for male menopause is andropause and this condition affects nearly 20 to 30 percent of all men. However, unlike menopause men can experience the symptoms of andropause for decades.


Just like women, as men approach their 50s and early 60s they will begin to experience andropause. The signs and symptoms are quite similar to those of female menopause and develop as a result of reduced testosterone levels.


Common symptoms such as infertility, hot flashes, fatigue and mood swings accompany andropause, but there are additional symptoms males can experience such as:


  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Disinterest in sex
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Hair Loss


Treatment for Andropause

Many of these symptoms are due to the loss of androgens in the male’s body. Androgens are responsible for male sex traits including facial hair and deepening of the voice. However, treatment such as bioidentical hormone replacement can significantly improve these conditions while decreasing other symptoms of andropause.


Testosterone replacement therapy has the ability to:

  • Bring back your sex drive or libido
  • Increase muscle strength and mass
  • Increase bone density
  • Prevent depression


Though hormone replacement therapy is not a cure for andropause, it can greatly reduce andropause-related symptoms, helping you to feel younger and more energized. The medical staff at Forum Health will help you decide the best possible treatment plan for your individual case of andropause. Your treatment plan may include dietary, activity and behavioral changes in additional to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to restore your body’s hormonal balance.


Of course, healthy lifestyle adjustments can provide you with natural ways to help improve your symptoms. Maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in daily physical fitness may alleviate symptoms like fatigue. You can also improve your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables to boost your energy levels. In addition to dietary changes, weight loss and strength training have been known to reverse many symptoms associated with andropause.

