Functional Medicine Services in The Woodlands, TX
Hormone Health
Adrenal Imbalances
Also referred to as adrenal fatigue, a condition where an insufficient production of hormones, particularly cortisol, by the adrenal glands affects various bodily functions.
Possible Symptoms:
Fatigue | Body Aches | Digestive Issues | Weight Gain | Low Blood Pressure | Mood Imbalances | Low Blood Sugar | Decreased Libido
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IV Therapy in Woodlands Texas
Erectile Dysfunction
The consistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance, often stemming from a variety of physical, psychological, or lifestyle factors.
Possible Symptoms:
Complete Inability to Get an Erection | Inability to Maintain an Erection | Requiring a Great Deal of Stimulation to Maintain an Erection
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Male Sexual Health
Testosterone Pellet Therapy in The Woodlands
Hair Loss
Also known as alopecia, this condition is a partial or complete loss of hair from the scalp or other parts of the body with hormones playing a significant role in disrupting the hair-growth cycle.
Possible Symptoms:
Thinning or Brittle Hair | Changes in Hair Growth | Balding in Patches | Excess Shedding of Hair | Receding Hairline | Facial Hair Growth in Women
Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s Disease, and Thyroiditis
Autoimmune disorders caused by either an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) or the immune system attacking the thyroid gland (Hashimoto’s disease) resulting in decreased production of the thyroid hormone.
Possible Symptoms:
Fatigue | Weight Imbalance | Temperature Sensitivity | Skin and Hair Issues | Digestive Issues | Memory Problems | Mood Disorders
Low Libido (Men and Women)
A reduced sexual desire in men and women manifesting as a lack of interest in initiating or engaging in sexual activity, reduced frequency of sexual thoughts or physical arousal, and difficulties in intimate relationships.
Possible Symptoms:
Difficulty Becoming Aroused | Reduced Sexual Desire | Avoidance of Sexual Situations | Lack of Pleasure During Sex | Sexual Dissatisfaction
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Female Sexual Health
Male Sexual Health
Hormone Replacement Therapy in The Woodlands Texas
Low Testosterone
Also known as Low T, indicates below average levels of testosterone that can impact sexual development and sperm production, ability to build muscle mass, bone density, emotional health, and more.
Possible Symptoms:
Decreased Sex Drive | Erectile Dysfunction | Weight Gain | Mood Changes | Low Energy | Inability to Focus | Memory Problems | Thinning Hair and Hair Loss
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Low Testosterone
Testosterone Pellet Therapy in The Woodlands Texas
Perimenopause and Menopause
Generally occurring between a woman’s late thirties to age 55, characterized by hormonal fluctuations and decline, depletion of estrogen, and the cessation of menstruation signifying the end of a woman’s reproductive years.
Possible Symptoms:
Irregular Periods | Hot Flashes | Night Sweats | Vaginal Dryness | Sleep Disturbances | Mood Swings | Decreased Libido | Weight Gain
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Premenstrual symptom occurs in women of reproductive age manifesting in physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms related to hormone fluctuations of the menstrual cycle.
Possible Symptoms:
Bloating | Breast Tenderness | Headaches | Joint and Muscle Pain | Changes in Appetite | Mood Swings | Irritability | Brain Fog | Fatigue | Sleep Disturbances | Low Libido
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
A hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age causing infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods and excess male hormone levels, where the ovaries may develop follicles and fail to regularly release eggs.
Possible Symptoms:
Irregular Menstruation | Excess Hair Growth | Acne or Skin Conditions | Weight Gain | Fertility Issues | Ovarian Cysts
Urinary Incontinence
Stress incontinence is involuntary urine leakage caused by pressure on the bladder and weakened pelvic floor muscles; and urge incontinence, or overactive bladder, is a sudden and intense urge to urinate triggered by certain food or drinks, medication or underlying causes.
Possible Symptoms:
Frequent Urination | Sudden and Strong Urge to Urinate | Leaking Urine | Involuntary Leaking of Urine when Coughing, Laughing, Sneezing
Weight, Metabolism & Heart Health
Weight Loss Resistance and Obesity
An excess accumulation of body fat and the inability to lose weight that persists over time, negatively affecting overall health, increasing inflammation, and the risk of other diseases.
Possible Symptoms:
Increased Body Fat Around the Abdomen | Difficulty Breathing | Fatigue | Joint Pain | Sleep Disturbances | Skin Issues
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Weight Gain and Obesity
Medical Weight Loss Program in The Woodlands, Texas
Fat Loss Procedures
Encompasses various medical interventions aimed at reducing excess fat in specific areas of the body such as CoolSculpting – a non-invasive procedure that freezes and eliminates stubborn fat cells and tones muscle.
Possible Symptoms:
Stubborn Pockets of Fat in the Abdomen | Thighs | Upper Arms and Chin | Bulges, Roll or Excess Fat
Risk Factor Reduction
The process of minimizing or eliminating factors that may increase the likelihood of developing certain diseases or conditions related to weight, obesity, metabolic, and heart health.
Possible Symptoms:
High Cholesterol | High Blood Pressure | Diabetes and Prediabetes | Obesity | Insulin Resistance
Stroke and Heart Attack
A stroke occurs when blood flow to part of the brain is disrupted, leading to brain damage and potentially severe neurological consequences. A heart attack happens when blood flow to the heart is blocked, often due to a clot or plaque buildup, resulting in damage to the heart muscle and potentially life-threatening complications.
Possible Symptoms:
Shortness of Breath | Chest Pain | Nausea | Lightheadedness | Pain or Discomfort in the Arms, Back, Neck, Jaw or Stomach | Numbness or Weakness in the Face, Arm or Leg | Confusion | Dizziness | Trouble Speaking | Severe Headache | Difficulty Walking
Non-Fatty Liver Disease
A condition where excess fat accumulates in the liver of people who drink little to no alcohol. Inflammation and liver cell damage leading to more severe conditions such as fibrosis, cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Possible Symptoms:
Fatigue | Weakness | Unexplained Weight Loss | Abdominal Pain, Discomfort or Swelling | Enlarged Liver | Yellowing of the Skin
Sexual Dysfunction + Low Libido
Low Libido (Men and Women)
A reduced sexual desire in men and women manifesting as a lack of interest in initiating or engaging in sexual activity, reduced frequency of sexual thoughts or physical arousal, and may lead to difficulties in intimate relationships.
Possible Symptoms:
Difficulty Becoming Aroused | Reduced Sexual Desire | Avoidance of Sexual Situations | Lack of Pleasure During Sex | Sexual Dissatisfaction
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Female Sexual Health
Male Sexual Health
Hormone Replacement Therapy in The Woodlands, Texas
Shockwave Therapy ED
Painful Intercourse
Also known as dyspareunia, this condition refers to pain or discomfort experienced during sexual intercourse.
Possible Symptoms:
Pain During Penetration or Thrusting | Burning, Aching, Stinging or Throbbing Pain During Sex or Post-Intercourse | Pelvic Floor Muscle Spasms | Tenderness in the Genital Area | Painful Orgasms
Vaginal Dryness and Laxity
Lack of natural lubrication in the vaginal tissues, often leading to discomfort or pain during sex or daily life; a loss of tightness or firmness in the vaginal walls, causing decreased sensation during sex or urinary incontinence.
Possible Symptoms:
Pain During Sex |Burning or Itching | Bleeding After Sex | Soreness in the Vulva | Abnormal Vaginal Discharge | Frequent or Painful Urination | Feeling of Looseness | Urinary Stress Incontinence | Reduced Vaginal Sensitivity
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Female Sexual Health
Climax Dysfunction
Also known as anorgasmia or orgasmic disorder, this condition refers to the difficulty or the inability to reach sexual climax or orgasm due to physical, emotional or psychological factors.
Possible Symptoms:
Unable to Reach Orgasm | Taking Longer Than Wanted to Reach Orgasm | Having Only Unsatisfying Orgasms
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Female Sexual Health
Erectile Dysfunction
The consistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance, often stemming from a variety of physical, psychological or lifestyle factors.
Possible Symptoms:
Complete Inability to Get an Erection | Inability to Maintain an Erection | Requiring a Great Deal of Stimulation to Maintain an Erection
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Male Sexual Health
Testosterone Pellet Therapy in The Woodlands, Texas
Shockwave Therapy ED Treatment
Longevity, Performance & Aesthetics
Lifespan and Healthspan Optimization
Strategies aimed at extending both the lifespan, length of life, and health span, the period of life spent in good health free from disease. This includes longevity optimization physicals, precision genetics, sleep restoration, stress impact optimization, and muscle gain and weight loss.
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IV Therapy in The Woodlands, Texas
Skin Rejuvenation
Restore a youthful, radiant appearance, and achieve smoother skin texture with advanced aesthetic treatments designed to enhance your natural beauty.
Possible Symptoms:
Wrinkles | Fine Lines | Crow’s Feet | Volume Loss in Cheeks and Lips | Skin Folds | Thin Lips | Acne Scars | Shallow Contours | Soars | Spider Veins | Hair Loss
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Aesthetics, Wrinkles and Aging
Anti-aging Skin Treatments
Dermal Fillers
Microneedling Facial Treatments