What do Stress, Sleep, and Hormones Have to do with Weight Loss?


By Staff of Forum Health Las Colinas If you’ve ever tried to lose weight in the past, you know it can be incredibly frustrating: You can eat well, exercise, and still the weight stays on. What could be causing this?   Well, your body is unique, so we can’t know precisely what’s keeping the weight […]

9 Tips for a Successful & Nourishing Holiday Season


As we dive into the holiday season, it’s crucial to remember that what you do most days matters way more than the occasional splurge during festivities. The key to a healthy and balanced holiday season is to approach the festivities with a sense of balance and moderation. Your daily habits and routines throughout the year […]

7 Survival Tips To Help Keep Your Blood Pressure Regulated


Did you know that over 77 million American adults suffer from high blood pressure? That’s about 1 in 3 people. And of those people, 70,000 will die from their high blood pressure each year.   These are scary numbers, and rightfully so – high blood pressure can cause devastating diseases throughout your entire body including […]

The Effects of Stress on Mind, Body and Behavior


By Staff of Forum Health Vienna Stress is a natural response to the environmental changes and external stimuli that we encounter on a regular basis. It is the body’s response to any demand.   Stress is a natural and automatic response that occurs in reaction to our environment, thoughts or emotions. When we perceive a […]

How Stress Affects 6 Key Systems in the Body


By Staff of Forum Health Vienna Stress. Just hearing the word might be enough to make your jaw clench up. But stress in and of itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing.   You might be surprised to learn that stress has been the force behind much of human advancement. But when stress becomes a frequent […]

Productivity Secret: Learn to Relax More


By Staff of Forum Health Vienna Stressed out. Overworked. Under-appreciated. Do any of these words come up during a typical work day for you? Have you ever found yourself bogged down at work, saddled with five projects, a full inbox and a foot-high stack of papers on your desk, and you have no idea which […]

10 Simple and Effective Ways to Cope with Holiday Stress


Reviewed by Leigh Ann Scott, MD of Forum Health Las Colinas The holidays are here — and with them, all that holiday stress! So, how do you cope with the demands on your time, the worries about being able to afford the holidays, and having to get together with people you don’t really get along […]

5 Ways That Stress Affects Brain Health and Speeds Up Aging

Reviewed by Kimberly Cabe, FNP-BC of Forum Health Rochester Hills Stress is any source of external pressure that weighs upon another object. The stress we deal with in our lives often manifests both physically and mentally, breaking down our bodies, our minds and overall health. Stress also significantly affects our brains, contributing to symptoms like […]

4 Ways to Prevent and Manage Holiday Stress


Reviewed by Dianne Hinton, NP, PA of Forum Health Modesto As much as we cherish the holiday season and all it stands for, it’s often the most stressful time of year for so many. We’ve got relatives visiting for several days or weeks, tons of food to prepare, gifts to find, and of course, the […]

Combating Stress During Medical Weight Loss

Reviewed by Kimberly Cabe, FNP-BC of Forum Health Rochester Hills Everyone stresses. It is something that each of us experience in our own way, and it is for the best. In the right proportions, stress is actually a good thing. It motivates us to wake up in the morning, keeps us on our toes when […]

Everyone’s Meditating – Are You?

By Victoria of Forum Health Akron It seems like you can’t glance through a piece of media without being encouraged to join the legions of those who meditate, being promised relief from the relentless stress, chattering mind and jangled nerves that are part and parcel of our every day lives. Just today, You Tube returned […]

Retrain Your Nervous System to Process Emotions

When a polar bear experiences trauma – as when he is hunted down by a helicopter shooting tranquilizers at him – he shakes his body to release that trauma. This is instinctual and helps keep him healthy, resetting his nervous system to a calm, safe state again. You may see your dog do this too. […]

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

By Staff of Forum Health Valparaiso Dr. William Sutherland, who first introduced Craniosacral Therapy over 100 years ago, discovered that, contrary to popular belief, cranial bones were designed to move in small degrees. In fact, they actually pulse in response to the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid and membranes that surround the central nervous system.  What […]

Foods to Lower Cortisol and Ease Anxiety


Dealing with Anxiety A proper diet is the main determinant of body functions. From cardiovascular health and joint health to brain function including, moods, anxiety, depression and stress management. However, stimulants such as caffeine, sugar and refined carbohydrates that are used for a quick energy boost, may contribute to a lasting onset of anxiety that […]

Harnessing the Power of Meditation in Your Daily Life

It should be obvious to most by now: our fast-paced existence is only speeding up. With never-ending access to world news, differing opinions, and a myriad of positive and negative images, the constant stimulation turns to chaos. The mental distractions are interrupting the connection between the mind and body, allowing jumping thoughts and feelings of […]

Beat Holiday Fatigue with a Brain Reset


Reviewed by Garrett Seibold, DO of Forum Health Utah Dreading the end of the year stress, brain fog and low mood? Support your mental and emotional health this holiday season with BrainRx.     Do you find yourself having issues with discipline and emotional regulation during the holidays? It’s not your fault!     Many people experience a difficult time staying […]

Best Defense Against Stress During The Holidays – 5 Easy Steps


Stress can play havoc on our mind and body. On our worst days, when stresses and demands seem relentless how would you characterize the way you react? Calm, cool and collected?  Or are you irritable, easily agitated and ready to explode?  When you reflect back on stressful happenings, do you wish you would have handled […]

Create Comforting Aromas for the Home


Reviewed by Kimberly Cabe, FNP-BC of Forum Health Rochester Hills Every store I enter is full of artificial scents in candles, aerosol sprays, wax melts and perfume. Aromas do create a certain feel and ambiance that we all hope to experience in our homes, but those of us who want to reduce environmental chemicals in our homes want […]