Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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  • Conditions Constipation
  • Gut Health
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  • About
  • Conditions Constipation
  • Gut Health
  • Membership
  • Patient Referrals
  • Treatments

Are lab tests included?

Lab tests are not included with payment for your membership plan or welcome visit. This is in part because they might be billable under your health insurance plan. We’ve also negotiated discounted rates with certain labs. Please ask about your options at the front desk.
Gut Health

Are there common side effects I might experience during detox?

When your body processes toxins, it often reacts by producing minor symptoms. These might include headaches, fatigue, skin flare-ups, muscle or joint aches, constipation or diarrhea, and emotional sensitivity. Symptoms tend to occur during the early phases of detox while your body adjusts to dietary changes. These symptoms are short-lived, lasting a few days at most. They shouldn’t interfere with your daily activities. While it’s tempting to medicate symptoms away, we suggest honoring your body with plenty of rest.

Can I be a patient if I don’t live near a Forum Health practice?

Forum Health welcomes telehealth patients. Contact us to find out if virtual appointments are an option for your specific needs.
Gut Health

Can I detox if I’m pregnant or nursing?

Forum Health’s detox program is not suitable for women who are pregnant, have plans to become pregnant within six months, or are currently breastfeeding. More research is needed to determine the dietary effects of this program on fetal development before expectant women or nursing mothers can participate.
Gut Health

Can I exercise during the detox?

While detoxing, your body uses massive amounts of energy to flush out toxins, strengthen your immune system, and build neurotransmitters. This fatigues many patients — especially at the beginning of the detox — which is why we don’t recommend exercise. That said, you can engage in gentle movements such as walking, yoga, and other leisure activities.
Gut Health

Can I use detox shakes as my primary food source?

Shakes used for Forum Health detox programs do contain essential proteins, vitamins, and other minerals, they are not designed to replace meals during the detox. Reach out to your provider or health coach if you wish to have more shakes incorporated into your detox schedule.

Can I use my health insurance with Forum Health?

Our cash-based membership plans aim to provide freedom and certainty. Any insurance billing or reimbursement — including for labs and services not covered by membership — will vary by plan, patient, and several other factors. Forum Health does not accept plans through government health insurance programs. These include: Medicaid Medicare Medicare Advantage CHIP Tricare Please contact us if you have questions.
Gut Health

Can my children and other family members use my detox program?

No. Each detox program is specifically tailored to your body composition, medical history, and health goals. The supplement dosing and dietary restraints of the detox are also based upon adult guidelines and shouldn’t be applied to children. We encourage all family members who want to participate in the detox to schedule an appointment at Forum Health.
Gut Health

Could I develop sensitivities to supplements used during detox?

All our supplements are non-allergenic and shouldn’t produce any related sensitives. They also don’t contain any stimulants or caffeine.

Do I have to give up my favorite foods?

For most people, we recommend a simple elimination diet. This is a key step to restoring a healthy gut, and it helps us find out what foods are best for you to avoid. But you’ll be able to reintroduce most foods — especially in moderation. In an elimination diet, you’ll stop eating the most commonly problematic foods. This gives you the fastest improvement in symptoms possible. We also add healing supplements to improve the health of your gut and overall immune system. But soon, you’ll start a slow-and-steady reintroduction process. You’ll add foods back in one at a time, noting how they make you feel. This process of elimination and reintroduction puts you in control of your health and symptoms. You’ll love the feeling!
Gut Health

Do I have to reintroduce foods I eliminated during detox?

It’s up to you whether you continue to avoid these foods. However, we do recommend that you eat a variety of foods to stay well nourished. One approach is to reintroduce eliminated foods to your diet over time. This will allow you to build up resilience while maintaining a nutrient-rich and diverse regimen.

Do I still need another doctor if I have a Forum Health membership? Why?

Forum Health membership is not intended to replace your relationship with a primary care physician. For some referrals and services — like an annual physical, mammogram, or colonoscopy — they might be better positioned to meet insurance requirements. We recommend that you find or remain established with a primary care physician.

Do I still need health insurance if I have a Forum Health membership? Why?

A Forum Health plan does not replace insurance coverage. While insurance is not required to meet with a doctor or select a plan, it often covers a portion of the cost for lab work and other services.
Patient Referrals

How many rewards can you earn?

There is no limit on the number of rewards that you can earn! Each time you refer a new patient to Forum Health — and they complete their initial welcome appointment — you will receive a $100 discount code.

I already eat healthy and exercise. Why do I need a health coach?

As part of a nationwide knowledge-sharing network, our health coaches can bridge the gap between the latest nutrition research and you. They’ll keep you on the cutting edge of nutrition science. And remember: There’s more to health than nutrition and exercise. Want to get better sleep? Are daily stress levels stealing your peace of mind? Your health coach can help you with these issues and more.

I can never stick with diets. How is this different?

Our health coaches are trained in both nutrition science and counseling. They’re uniquely qualified to help you overcome barriers to reaching your health goals. Whether you need advice on eating out, traveling, athletic performance, or just forming better habits, your health coach will be on your side and eager to help.
Gut Health

I finished my detox program! Do I have to detox again in the future?

This depends on your response to the detox and progress toward your health goals. Be sure to ask your provider during your next visit, as they might suggest a reboot detox (1–2 weeks) later to help keep you on track.
Gut Health

I see that I should be drinking plenty of water during detox. How much water should I drink?

To determine how much water you need, simply divide your body weight in pounds by two. The result is the number of fluid ounces you should drink each day. Remember that this number doesn’t factor caffeinated drinks. Beverages that contain caffeine — like coffee, tea, and soda — actually dehydrate your body. Be sure to increase your water intake if you drink these beverages, exercise regularly, or sweat often.
Gut Health

I see that I should be making organic food choices. What if I can’t find or afford organic foods?

Organic foods can be more expensive and harder to find. This makes “going organic” a bit tricky. We recommend purchasing small quantities of high-priced items like organic meats, poultry, and fish. This way, you’ll eat smaller portions while leaving plenty of room for nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Another option is to buy these foods in bulk and freeze them individually or in family-size portions. Costco and Thrive Market are two grocery chains that offer organic foods in bulk.

I’ve dieted before, but my results didn’t last. How is this different?

At Forum Health, we won’t settle for short-term improvements. Our health coaches want to guide you on a path to long-term success. They’re trained to coach you toward the unique goals you have for your wellness. Consistency is required, but perfection is not! This isn’t a lose-weight-quick scheme; it’s about real changes that will improve your life as a whole.

Is a Forum Health doctor available 24/7?

For patients who want care outside normal office hours, some Forum Health locations offer a concierge option. Please ask for details at the front desk.

Is there a Forum Health practice near me?

We’re in four states and growing fast. Find your nearest Forum Health location.
Conditions Constipation

Lack of Exercise

Beyond relieving stress, exercise can be useful to “get things moving.” If you sit too much, your digestive system might not function properly.
Conditions Constipation

Lack of Hydration

If you don’t drink enough water, you might have hard stool that’s difficult to pass. A general rule of thumb: What’s half your body weight in pounds? That number is how many ounces of water you should drink each day.

My provider made a nutrition recommendation. How can my health coach help?

Your health coach can help you implement diet changes like reducing sugar, removing problematic foods, and boosting nutrient intake. They communicate the “why” and the “how” of our recommendations — not just the “what.” It’s not just about changing your diet. Through our whole-person approach, we aim to unlock hidden motivations and help you be well for the long term.
Conditions Constipation

Other Diet Choices

Your body has unique nutritional needs. Constipation could be caused by an unknown allergy, intolerance, or sensitivity. Or, you could be eating too much sugar or processed food.
Conditions Constipation

Poor Fiber Intake

It’s important to eat the right amount of fiber — and the right kind. This helps keep the muscles in your gastrointestinal tract strong.
Gut Health

Should I continue taking my medication during detox?

Yes. You should continue taking all prescription medications throughout your detox unless otherwise directed by your provider. Be aware that detoxification might influence the effectiveness of your medications — especially birth control — as it changes blood serum levels in the body. Hence, we recommend that patients using birth control take extra precautions when engaging in sexual activity.
Gut Health

Should I continue taking other supplements during my detox?

We recommend consulting with your provider before continuing or discontinuing any supplements that aren’t part of your gut-detox prescription.
Conditions Constipation


The gut and brain are connected. If you experience chronic stress, the bacteria in your gut can change, potentially leading to depleted magnesium.

There’s too much conflicting nutrition advice; I don’t know what to do!

Keto, paleo, vegan, gluten-free — the list of diet options goes on and on. It seems like every week, there’s a new study with some bold new conclusion. So many claim to have the “one right answer” to nutrition. It can be confusing! Forum Health’s expert providers and health coaches can make a sustainable food plan for you. And they’ll base it on your health conditions, lab results, and how you feel. No more fad diets or cookie-cutter advice!
Patient Referrals

What are the benefits?

For each new patient you refer, you’ll receive $100 that can be applied to supplements and skincare products at Discount codes may only be applied once and used on a single order. Any remaining balance will be lost if the full $100 is not utilized.

What can I expect during my first visit?

You’ll start working with your care team right away. First, you’ll meet with a Forum Health provider. Next, you’ll have a consultation with a health coach. They’ll analyze lifestyle factors — including nutrition, exercise, and sleep — to help develop your treatment plan. If you decide to move forward with membership, we’ll order lab tests based on our initial assessment of your health.
Gut Health

What if I slip up during my detox?

We understand that life happens and perfection is not a reality. Leave yesterday’s slip-up in the past and use the knowledge gained to make tomorrow better. That said, sticking to your detox schedule is critical to achieving your health goals. Plan, plan, plan — and do your best to stay motivated.

What is Forum Health’s philosophy toward care?

At Forum Health, we believe good care requires good listening. Our relationships are built on time and personal attention. We hear your whole story so we can treat the source of your symptoms. Your doctor is your partner. They check in between appointments — not just when you’re sick — to help you get and stay well.
Gut Health

What is inflammation?

Nearly every chronic disease shares a root cause: inflammation. This is our bodies’ way of creating an alarm signal when something is out of balance. A little inflammation is necessary, but a poor diet creates non-stop alarms that ultimately lead to health issues.
Patient Referrals

What is our goal?

To give everyone an opportunity in transforming their health from symptom and disease management to thriving in their everyday life. True health for all is our mission.

What is personalized healthcare?

To us, it means helping each person achieve their unique health goals. We believe in a root-cause approach based on the powerful principles of functional and integrative medicine. Essentially, that means treating issues at their source, not just masking them with procedures and prescriptions. It’s why we look at the whole you — exploring genetics, environment, and lifestyle factors like nutrition, sleep, and exercise.

What makes Forum Health different from other personalized healthcare providers?

Forum Health isn’t just a collection of practices. Our nationwide network is a true community of like-minded practitioners. They work together to find solutions — whatever your health goals. Each doctor has a unique set of specialties, and we connect you to their collective expertise.

What services does Forum Health provide?

All members get what we call The Essentials. This package includes support with diet and nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and detoxification. Beyond those basics, we’ll work with you to build a care plan the drives toward your unique health and wellness goals. Learn more about our services and treatments.
Gut Health

What’s the difference between a food allergy, intolerance, and sensitivity?

A food allergy is an immediate reaction to a specific food that occurs every time you eat it. This immune response causes your body to recognize the food as a foreign substance and work to attack it. Peanut, egg, milk, and wheat allergies are among the most common. Food intolerances are different from food allergies in that they don’t trigger an immune response. Instead, the body experiences difficulty digesting certain foods, causing symptoms such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea. This often results from the lack of proper enzymes required to break down foods in the body. Food sensitivities are delayed reactions to food that appear several hours or even days later. These responses are hard to distinguish, cause vague symptoms, and can go undiagnosed for years. While many factors contribute to food sensitivities, they most frequently stem from the inability to digest and absorb nutrients.

What’s the healthiest diet?

Each person is bioindividual. That means different combinations of genetics and environmental factors make us all unique. And this individuality extends to our nutritional needs! That’s why putting everyone on the same diet doesn’t work. Forum Health’s expert providers and health coaches will make a food plan that’s personalized to you.
Gut Health

When reintroducing foods after detox, I experienced symptoms or reactions. What does this mean, and what should I do about it?

Remember that it’s completely normal to develop a food allergy or sensitivity after elimination. That said, if you experience reactions to more than four foods, your body might be suffering from increased intestinal permeability, or leaky gut syndrome. With this condition, the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged and allows undigested food particles, toxins, and bacteria to leak into the bloodstream. This can result in a variety of unpleasant symptoms that should be immediately reported to your provider or health coach.

Where is Forum Health?

We’re in four states and growing fast. Our headquarters is in Salt Lake City, Utah. Find your nearest Forum Health location. Forum Health also welcomes telehealth patients. Contact us to find out if virtual appointments are an option for your specific needs.