The Power of Feminine Energy and Social Connection in Health and Well-Being

How trusting your intuitive energy and group support can serve as powerful guides on your healing journey.


Dr. Shilpa Saxena, Chief Medical Officer at Forum Health, is an international leader in the field of integrative and functional medicine, advocate for patient education and international educator. She is sought out by other physicians in the field of integrative and functional medicine for her industry-leading insights and expertise.


Hear from Dr. Saxena in this interview with Dr. Jill Carnahan, Your Functional Medicine Expert® of Louisville, CO on “The Healing Power of Feminine Energy and Social Connection.” Dr. Jill is dual board-certified in family medicine and integrative holistic medicine, has a widely sought-after medical practice, is an inspirational speaker, author, and has been featured in magazines and television.


Dr. Saxena weighs in on the importance of social connections for your well-being, the importance of trusting your intuition and feminine energy for guiding healing, and how having a practitioner you trust aids the healing process.  


Beginning in family medicine, through practicing functional and integrative medicine, creating the Group Visit Toolkits and more – Dr. Saxena shares her story and why she is so passionate about her work.  


Tune in to hear more from Dr. Saxena and learn how to find a practitioner like her, who you can trust to partner with you and provide guidance on your healing journey. 


YouTube video

